0.9999...//READ THAT SEQUENCE LIKE A MANTRA After their successful collaboration on “<3”, AtomTM and X1N are back, this time presenting the 4 track EP “0.9”. It contains both the opening and closing tracks of “<3” as well as their corresponding mutations. While “0.9 (Almost a Unit)” was remixed by Esplendor Geome´trico, “Almost a Unit (0.9)” got reworked by Peter van Hoesen. “Both renditions contribute amplified iterations of inherent attributes of <3” as X1N eloquently states. On a side note it may be mentioned that in mathematics, the expression “0.999..” is considered being identical to 1. Meditating over that very fact may tell you a lot about our current reality. #HardCodePop //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PROXIMITY IS DESTINY DREAMS AS SEARCH ENGINES X