- Startseite
- /
- Sitemap
Alle Kategorien
- !K7
- 115th Dream
- 13
- 1631
- 17 North Parade
- 1985 Music
- 1Drop
- 2 Kool
- 20 Buck Spin
- 20th Century
- 22A
- 2nd Drop
- 3
- 3024
- 30D
- 30D Exoplanets
- 36 Chambers
- 4 AD
- 4 Men With Beards
- 4Ad
- 4th & Broadway
- 5 Rue Christine
- 5HQ
- 7 Days Ent.
- 7 Days Entertainment
- 7B
- 7even
- 7th Storey Recollective
- 81
- 877
- 9300
- 99
- A Colourful Storm
- A Long Strange Dream
- A Plus Trois Editions
- A Sexy
- A Sunken Mall
- A Tree In A Field
- A Walking Contradiction
- A&M
- A-Musik
- A.R.M.Y
- A.R.T Press
- A.R.T.L.E.S.S.
- A.r.t.less
- Aagoo
- ABC Impulse!
- Abduction
- Abkco
- Above The Plug
- Abstract Forms
- Abstrakce
- Abundanz
- Acacia Books
- Academy
- Accidental
- Accidental Meetings
- Ace
- Ace Records
- Acid Jazz
- Acid Test
- Acido
- AD 93
- Ada
- Aesthetic Audio
- Affinity
- Afro7
- Afrodelic
- Afrodisia
- Afrosynth
- Aftermath
- Aguirre
- Aings
- Aiwo
- Akenaton
- Ako Beatz
- Akumandra
- Akuphone
- Albert Detzel
- Album
- Alg
- Alga Marghen
- Aliso
- All Caps
- All City Dublin
- AllChival
- Alleviated
- Allicoma
- Aloardi
- Alt Dub
- Alter
- Altercat
- Altered Circuits
- Alternative Tentacles
- Altin Village
- Altre
- AM
- Amai
- Amaya
- Amba Amba
- Amenthia
- American
- American Dreams
- American Phonograph
- Ammit
- Amphetamine Reptile
- Ams
- An'Archives
- Ana Ott
- Analog Africa
- Analogical Force
- Analogue Productions
- Ancient Archive Of Sound
- Andrew's Music
- Aneurysm
- Angry Mom
- Aniara
- Anima Productions
- Animalia
- AnnenMayKantereit
- Anode/Cathode
- Ant-Zen
- Antarctica Starts Here
- Anthropometrics
- Anti
- Anti-
- Anticon
- Antifrost
- Antilopen Geldwäsche
- Antinote
- Antler
- Apnea
- Apollo
- Aposiopèse
- Apparent Extent
- Apparent-Extent
- Apple
- Apple Pips
- Aproaching Airballoons
- Apron Music
- Aquatic Lab
- Arc Light Editions
- Archive Books
- Are 'n Be
- Argo
- Argon
- Ariola
- Arista
- Ariwa
- Ariwa Sounds
- Arjuna
- Ark
- Armageddon
- Armageddon Shop
- Arpaviva
- Art Aud
- Art Into Life
- Art Of Dance
- Art-Aud
- Artco
- Artificial Dance
- Artikal Music UK
- ArtKillArt
- Artless
- Artpop!
- As-Shams
- Asadun Alay
- Ask
- Asound/Bubbles
- Asphalt Tango
- Asthmatic Kitty
- Astral Industries
- Astral Spirits
- Astrophonica
- Asylum
- Atem
- Athens Of The North
- Atlantic
- Atmospheric
- Ato
- Atomnation
- Atypical Dopness
- Audiolith
- Auf Abwegen
- Auf Dem Nil
- Auf Ruhr
- Aural Medium
- Aurora
- Aussenraum
- Auxiliary
- Auxilio De Cientos
- Avalanche
- Avenue 66
- Away Music
- Awe
- Aweh
- Awesome Tapes From Africa
- Axis
- Azuli
- B 13
- Baby
- Baby Groove Productions
- Back To Black
- Backatcha
- Backs
- Backseat
- Backwoodz Studioz
- Bad Boy
- Bad Habits
- Bad Magic
- Bad Seed Ltd
- Bakara
- Baked Goods
- Bakk
- Balagan
- Bambe
- Bandulu
- Barba
- Bardo Methodology
- Bare Dubs
- Bare Hands
- Base
- Basscomesaveme
- Basta
- Bastakiya Tapes
- Bastardized
- Batfish Incorporated
- Batov
- Bayonet
- BB*Island
- Be Coq
- Be With
- Beast River
- Beat Generation
- Because
- Because Music
- Beggars Banquet
- Bella Union
- Belligeranza
- Bent
- Benztown
- Berceuse Heroique
- Bermuda Mastertone
- Bertelsmann Music Group
- Beserkley
- Besides
- Best
- Best Italy
- Beta Bodega
- Betonska
- Beyond Beyond Is Beyond
- Biber
- Big Brother
- Big Crown
- Big Dada
- Big Love
- Big Machine
- Big Noise In Archgate
- Biloba
- Biophon
- Birth
- Biscuit Factory
- Bite
- Bitta
- Black Acre
- Black Art
- Black Box
- Black Cat
- Black Fire
- Black Forest Funk Force
- Black Jazz
- Black Jukebox
- Black Mark
- Black Opal
- Black Saint
- Black Sweat
- Black Truffle
- Blackened
- Blackest Ever Black
- Blackground
- Blackground Entertainment
- Blackjack
- Blacklink Sound
- Blade
- Blanik
- Blank Form Editions
- Blank Forms
- Blank Forms Editions
- Blank Mind
- Blast First
- BlauBlau
- Bleep Street
- Bless You
- Bleu Lagon
- Blind Rope
- Blue Angel
- Blue Chopsticks
- Blue Crystal
- Blue Note
- Blueberry
- Bo Weavil
- Boa
- Bocian
- Body Language
- Bohemian Drips
- Boidae
- Bok Bok
- Bokeh Versions
- Bondage
- Boner
- Bongo Joe
- Border Community
- Born Bad
- Botchit Breaks
- Box Clever
- Boy
- Boy Because Of You
- Bpitch Control
- Brain
- Brainfeeder
- Breeze
- Breeze Music
- Broadwalk
- Brokntoys
- Bronze
- Brother Music
- Brothers From Different Mothers
- Brownswood
- Bruits
- Bruits de Fond
- Bruk
- Brunswick
- Brutaz
- Buback
- Bubbles
- Buda Musique
- Bug Wan
- Buh
- Bun The Grid
- Bunker
- Bunte Kuh
- Bureau B
- Burning Sole
- Burning Sole Records
- Burning Sound
- Burning Sounds
- Burning Vibrations
- Bushes
- Butter Sessions
- Butterz
- Bv Haast
- Börft
- C.a.n.v.a.s.
- Cacophonic
- Cadence Jazz
- Cadre
- Call 4 Rhythm
- Calling Cards Publishing
- Camisole
- Candomblé
- Canopy
- Capitane
- Capitol
- Capricorn
- Captured Tracks
- Cargo
- Carolina
- Caroline
- Casa Voyager
- Casablanca
- Cashen's Gap
- Castles in Space
- Catch Trout
- Cathartic Noize Experience
- Cause For Concern
- Cave12
- Cavi Sounds
- Caz Plak
- Cease & Desist
- Celebrate Life
- Celluloid
- Central Processing Unit
- Century Media
- CH
- Chaikin
- Chainsaw
- Chainsaw Sound
- Channel Zero
- Charly
- Cheap
- Check Your Head
- Cheptel
- Cherry Red
- Cherry Tred
- Chestplate
- China-Frica
- Chinatown
- Chocolate Industries
- Christian Leoni
- Christoph Merian Verlag
- Chrysalis
- Chrüsimüsi
- Cien Fuegos
- Cinedelic
- Cinevox
- Circa
- Circle
- Circus Company
- City Boy
- City Of Angels
- City Slang
- Civil Music
- Clairaudience
- Clay Pipe Music
- Clekclekboom
- Clone
- Clone Aqualung Series
- Clone Classic Cuts
- Closebrace M Openbrace
- Closed Sessions
- Clouds Hill
- Club Craft
- Coalmine
- Cobraside Distribution Inc.
- Codes
- Cold
- Cold Spring
- Cold Storage
- Colemine
- Columbia
- Comet
- Comfortnoise
- Communauté De Travail Pour La Diffusion De La Musique Suisse
- Communion
- Communion Label
- Community 3
- Conatala
- Concord
- Confunktion
- Conrad Sound
- Conspiracy International
- Constellation
- Constrictor
- Contagious
- Contorsion
- Contorsion CNT 004
- Contort Yourself
- Controsion
- Cooking Vinyl
- Cordelia
- Corelia
- Cortizona
- Corvo
- Cosmic
- Cosmose Editions
- Counter
- Counter 99
- Coyote
- CP²
- Craft
- Craigie Knowes
- Cramboy
- Crammed Discs
- Cramps
- Crass
- Crass Records
- Creation
- Crème Organization
- Criminal Damage
- Crippled Dick Hot Wax!
- Crisp
- Critical Music
- Crosstown Rebels
- Crowd
- Crumb
- Crustacean
- Crydamoure
- Crypt
- Cube
- Cubus
- Curle
- Curtis Electronix
- Curtom
- Cutting Deep
- Cyclic Law
- D'Autres Chordes
- D'Autres Cordes
- Dagored
- Dais
- Dala Produkte
- Damaged Goods
- Dance Ecstasy 2001
- Dance Mania
- Dance Mutha
- Dangerbird
- Dansu Discs
- Daptone
- daralan
- Dare-Dare
- Dark Entries
- Darkestral Recordings
- Darkroom
- Das Andere Selbst
- Das Büro
- Databass
- Datacide
- David Volksmund
- David Volksmund Produktion
- Day End
- dBpm
- De Qualité
- De:tuned
- Dead Man's Curve
- Dead Mind Records
- Dead Oceans
- Death Is Not The End
- Death Of Rave
- Death Row
- Death Waltz
- Deathbomb Arc
- Deathchant
- Decca
- Dee Jay Rec.
- Deep Ground
- Deep Medi
- Deep Medi Music
- Deep Medi Musik
- Deep Six
- Deep Transportation
- Deepblak
- Deepchord
- Deeper Into Movies
- Deeptrax
- Def Jam
- Def Soul
- Defected
- Dekmantel
- Delabel
- Delicious Vinyl Island
- Delights
- Delmark
- Delodio
- Delsin
- Demi Monde
- Demon
- Dennerdisco
- Denovali
- Depp City
- Der Gesunde Menschenversand
- Desert Engine
- Detroit Basics ASAP
- Detroit Dancer
- Detroit Underground
- Deutsche Grammophon
- Diagonal
- Dial
- Dialect
- Diamond West
- Die Orakel
- Die Schachtel
- Different
- Diggers Factory
- Digikiller
- Digital Sting
- Dill Dodos Recife
- Ding Dong
- Director's Cut
- Dirter
- Dirter Promotions
- Dirty Crates
- Dirty Faces
- Dirty Hit
- Disciples
- Disco Pogo
- Discoring
- Discos Esplendor Geometrico
- Discos Nada
- Discrepant
- Disques De La Spirale
- Disques JMS
- Djax-Up-Beats
- Do Yourself In
- Dolly
- Dom Elchklang
- Dome
- Domino
- Don Giovanni Records
- Don't Get It Twisted
- Dont Be Afraid
- Dope Plates
- Dopeness Galore
- Dossier
- Double Six
- Doubtful Sounds
- Down Low Music
- Downbeat
- Doxy
- Drag City
- Dreamville
- Drone
- Drugaya Kultura Product
- Dub Police
- Dub Store
- Duck Down
- Duophonic
- Duophonic Uhf Disks / Warp
- Duploc
- Dusktone
- Dust Editions
- Dust Science
- Duuu éditions
- Dyi
- Dynamic Music
- Dysmusie
- E Works
- E-Works
- Eagle Eyes
- Ear Music
- Earache
- Earth Recordings
- Earth Sound
- Easy Action
- Easy Eye Sound
- Easy Tempo
- Echospace
- Echtzeit
- Eck Echo
- Ecstatic Peace
- Ed Banger
- Edge
- Edicoes CN
- Edition Block
- Edition Fink
- Edition Longplay
- Edition Patrick Frey
- Edition R-Z
- Edition Telemark
- Edition Tiamat
- Editions Circuit
- Editions Eg
- Editions Gravats
- Editions Mego
- Edits Collection
- Edizioni Periferia
- Efficient Space
- EG
- Ehse
- Él (Benelux)
- El Rancho
- Elch
- Electro Records
- Elektra
- Elemental
- Elevator Bath
- Elica
- Elypsia
- Em
- Em Records
- Emancypunx
- Emanem
- Emerald Cocoon
- Emotional Rescue
- Emotional Response
- Empire
- Empty Editions
- Endless Subsistence
- Enigma
- Enja
- Ensemble Musikproduktion
- Ensign
- Entenpfuhl
- Entr'acte
- Environ
- eOne
- Epic
- Epitaph
- Epitaph Europe
- Erased Tapes
- Eraserhood Sound
- Erratum Musical
- ESP Disk
- Esp Institute
- Estrambotico
- États-Unis
- Etats-Unis
- Etiquettae
- Eulenburg Disc
- Eurobond
- Europa
- Evangelista
- Evasion Disques
- Everest
- Evidence
- Ex
- Ex Libris
- Exit
- Expanded Music
- Expanded Music/Slash
- Expansion
- Experimental
- Eyas Media
- ezz-thetics
- F Communications
- Faber & Faber
- Fabric Originals
- Fabrika
- Fabrique
- Faces
- Factory
- Factory Records
- Facture
- Faitiche
- Fallout
- False Idols
- Fame
- Familiebetrieb Musig
- Family Vineyard
- Famm
- Fan Club
- Fantasy
- Far East Recording
- Far Easting
- Far Out
- Far Outings
- Fat Beats
- Fat City
- Fat Possum
- Fatcat
- Father/Daughter
- Fatiado Discos
- Fauni Gena
- Feathered Apple
- Feeding Tube
- Felt
- Felte
- Ferns
- Festival
- Festplatten
- Fettes Brot Schallplatten
- ffrr
- Fiction
- Field
- Field Records
- Fifth Dimension
- Figure
- Filobus
- Final Image
- Final Solution
- Finderfinger
- Finders Keepers
- Finders Keepers / B-Music
- Fink
- Fire
- Fire Fidelity
- Fire Records
- First Terrace
- Fizic
- Flamingo
- Flaneur Audio
- Flicknife
- Flight 13
- Floating World
- Flood Gallery
- Flying Dutchman
- Flying Dutchmen
- Fonit Cetra International
- Fontana
- Forbidden Dance
- Force Inc. Music Works U.S.Edition
- Force Majeure (2)
- Forced Nostalgia
- Forever Living Originals
- Forget The Clock
- Foundry
- Fountainavm
- Four
- Fourth Dimension
- Fourth Wave
- Fox & His Friends
- Fragments Editions
- Frank Music
- Freak Recordings
- Frederiksberg
- Freedom
- Freedom In A Vacuum
- Freedom To Spend
- Freestyle
- Freestyle Dust
- Freq
- Frequency Shift
- Fresh
- Fresh 86
- Freskanova
- Freund Der Familie
- Friday Music
- Fsoldigital
- Ftarri
- Fuck-Far-Out-Politicals
- Fueled By Ramen
- Full Cycle
- Full Time Hobby
- Fun Factory
- Functional
- Fundamental
- Fundamenztal
- Funk Night Records
- Funkshun Keys
- Funky Delicacies
- Further
- Furthur Electronix
- Futura Resistenza
- Future
- Future Days
- Future Times
- Futurismo
- Fuzz Club
- FWM Entertainment
- Fxhe
- FXHE Records
- Gaffer
- Gagarin
- Galiani
- Gamma Proforma
- Gamut Kollektiv
- Gang Starr
- Garage
- Gearbox
- Gearbox Records
- Geej
- Geffen
- Gefraco
- General Production
- Genetic
- Gentle Threat
- Geometrik
- Geometrik / Munster
- Get Back
- Get Down
- Get On Down
- GetDarker
- Ghost Box
- Ghostleighdubz
- Ghostly International
- Giallo Disco
- Giant
- Giegling
- Glam Sound
- Glass
- Glass Modern
- Glassnote
- Glitter Beat
- Glitterbeat
- Glitterhouse
- Glossolalia
- Glossy Mistakes
- Go Beat
- Gobstopper Records
- Goddess Music
- Goethe Institut
- Gol Rec.
- Goldenlane
- Goliath
- Goma Gringa
- Gondwana
- Good Hands
- Good Looking
- Goofin
- Gordy
- Got It!
- Gougnaf Mouvement
- Grand Gallery
- Grand Royal
- Gratte-Ciel
- Grautag Records
- Gravitation
- Great Tracks
- Greensleeves
- Griffe
- Groove Attack
- Groove Merchant
- Groovin
- Growing Bin
- Growing Bin Records
- Grown Up Wrong
- Grr/Sun
- Grünrekorder
- Grönland
- GT Flip
- Guangzhou Cuckoo Music
- Guerssen Records
- Guruguru Brain
- Gusstaff
- Gutfeeling
- H.E.N.C.H
- Habibi Funk
- Hai
- Hakuna Kulala
- Hallow Ground
- Hammerheart
- Hamster
- Hands In The Dark
- Happy House
- Harbinger
- Hard Hands
- Hardly Art
- Hardspace
- Harthouse
- Harvest
- Harvest Electrola
- Hat Hut
- Hauch
- Haus und Baum
- Headphone
- Heads On Fire
- Heavenly Star
- Heavenly Sweetness
- Heavy Psych Sounds
- Hedonics
- Hemlock
- Henning Christiansen Archive
- Hessle Audio
- Heute
- Heyrec
- Hi Tek Sounds
- Hid
- Hidden Hawaii
- Hiddenbell
- Hifi
- High Jazz
- High Roller
- Hinge Finger
- Hipocrite Music
- Hit+Run
- Hive Mind
- Hivern Discs
- Holger
- Holidays
- Holistic
- Hollow Planet
- Holotype Editions
- Hombré
- Hommes Du Monde
- Homo Faber
- Honest Jon's
- Honest Jons
- Honey Pie
- Horo
- Horror Of The Hexham Heads
- Horus
- Hospital
- Hospital Productions
- Hot Banana
- Hot Biscuit
- Hot Casa
- Hot salvation
- Hot Street
- Hotflush
- Hotflushings
- Hotline
- Hound Gawd!
- Houndstooth
- House Of Music
- HR
- Hrönir
- Hula Honeys
- Human
- Hummus
- Humus
- Hundebiss
- Husky Pants
- Hybrid
- Hybride Sentimento
- Hydrophonic
- Hypercolour
- Hyperdub
- I Am Other
- I Shall Sing Until My Land Is Free
- I.R.S.
- Ici Bientot
- Ideologic Organ
- Idle Hands
- Ikef
- Ilian Tape
- Illuminated
- Illusion Production
- Imbalance Computer Music
- Immerse
- Immune
- Impasse
- Impatience
- Imperial
- Important
- Improved Sequence
- Impulse
- Impulse!
- In Paradisum
- In Phaze
- Incienso
- Incunabulum
- Independiente
- India Navigation
- Indica Dubs
- Industrial Strength
- Industry Standard
- Infidelity Sound Production
- Inflamable
- Inflammable Material
- Info
- Infrastructure New York
- Inherent Futurism
- Innen Zines
- Inner City
- Inner Sunset
- Innovative Communication
- Insane Music
- Instant Composers Pool
- Institubes
- Institute For Sound & Music
- Intangible
- Interdimensional Transmissions
- Internal
- Internasjonal
- International Anthem
- International Anthem Recording Company
- International Antheming Company
- International Feel
- Interscope
- Interval
- Into Endless Chaos
- Intoxygene
- Intrauterin
- Invada
- Invisible Inc.
- Invisible SCOPA
- Invisible/S.C.O.P.A.
- Invitation
- Ipecac
- Ipecacings
- Irascible
- Irmgardz
- Iron Tusk
- Ish
- Island
- Isle Of Jura
- Italian
- Jagjaguwar
- Jahtari
- Jakarta
- Jake
- Japo
- Jaro
- Jazz Fudge
- Jazz Is Dead
- Jazz Workshop
- Jazzcraft
- Jazzland
- Jazzman
- JCOA Records
- Jeepster
- Jelodanti
- Jessica
- Jiaolong
- Jive
- Jkp
- JM
- Joe's Smashing
- Jong Nederland
- Joyful Noise
- Juke Box Jam
- Jumpin & Pumpin
- Jungle
- Jungle Fantasy
- K
- K.422
- Kabuki
- Kalahari Oyster Cult
- Kalita
- Kallista
- Kanine
- Kankana
- Kann
- Karat
- Karera
- Karlrecords
- Karluk
- Karma Chief
- Katalyst Entertainment
- Kathedral
- kaugummi
- Keep Cool
- Kehrer
- Kemosabe
- Kent Soul
- Keplar
- Kharma
- Kiepenheuer & Wintsch
- Kilawatt
- King Beat
- King Tree
- Kingsize
- Kit
- Kitsuné
- KK
- Klang Elektronik
- Klasse Wrecks
- Klf
- Klimt
- Knekelhuis
- Knitting Factory
- Kokeshi
- Komos
- Kompakt
- Konkurenz Schallplatten
- Konkurrenz Schallplatten
- Kontakt
- Kontra
- Kontra Musik
- Kontra-Musik
- Kool
- Korbinian
- Kosmische Kuriere
- Kosmische Kurriere
- Kraak
- Kranky
- Krotone
- KScope
- Kudu
- Kunsthall
- Kunstmuseum Luzern
- Kynant
- L'Invitation Au Suicide
- L.a. Club Resource
- L.A.Y.L.A.H.
- L.I.E.S.
- La Fayette
- La Rama
- La Scie Dorée
- La Suisse Primitive
- La Suisse Primitive / Klaus Reichle
- Ladomat 2000
- Lagroup
- Lakeshore
- Land Of Dance
- Landmark
- Lantern
- Lapsus
- Lapsus Perennial Series
- Late Night Tales
- Latency
- Latino Bugger Veil
- Latino Burger Veil
- Lavalava
- Layer
- Laylah
- Ldi
- Leaving / Stones Throw
- Lee's
- Left Ear
- Legacy
- Legacy Vinyl
- Legere
- Leisure System
- Leiter Verlag
- Len Leise Edits
- Les Disques Du Crépuscule
- Les Disques Du Soleil Et De L'Acier
- Les presses du réel
- Les Tres Jazz Club
- Let Them Eat Vinyl
- Lewis
- LGoony
- Liberation Technologies
- Life & Death
- Life Goes On
- Light In The Attic
- Light of Other Days
- Lil' Chief
- Lilith
- Lille
- Liminal Collective
- Limited Editions
- Linear Labs
- Lion Charge
- Listenable Records
- Litoral
- Live
- Livity Sound
- Lo
- Lo-Fi Stereo
- Load
- Lobster Theremin
- Locust Music
- Lodubs
- Logistic
- Loma Vista
- London
- Los Hermanos
- Lostings
- Loud
- Love
- Love Above
- Love Letters From Oslo
- Lovely Music
- Low Spiritings
- Lowercase Music
- Luaka Bop
- Luana
- Luana Records
- Lucky Spin
- LuckyMe
- Lullabies for Insomniacs
- Lumberton Trading Company
- Lust Poderosa
- Luv N Haight
- Luv N' Haight
- Lux Noise
- M & K Realtime
- M.A.P.
- M=Minimal
- Macadam Mambo
- Mack Avenue
- Mad About
- Madlib Invazion
- Madrigal
- Magazine
- Magnet
- Mainstream
- Make Love In Public Spaces
- Makiphon
- Malka Tuti
- Mama Told Ya
- Mangel
- Mania Dub
- Mannequin
- Mantra Music
- Maple Death
- Mar & Sol
- Marasm
- Marat
- Mare
- Marionette
- Marmo
- Marmo Music
- Martha's Music
- Marxmen Dubs
- Mask
- Matador
- Matasuna
- Material Music
- Mathematics
- Matière Mémoire
- Matrix
- Matrix Promotions 3.2 Ltd
- Matter
- Mau5trap Recordings
- Maverick
- Max Ernst
- Mélodies Souterraines
- MB
- MCA Chicago
- Meakusma
- mecanica
- Mecca Life
- Medical
- Meditator Music
- Medley
- Melankolic
- Mello Music
- Mello Music Group
- Melodies International
- Melody As Truth
- Melting Pot
- Mental Experience
- Mental Groove
- Mercury
- Mercury KX
- Merge
- Merritone
- Mesh-Key
- Metal Blade
- Metalheadz
- Metamatic
- Meteosound
- Method
- Metro
- Metronome 2001
- Metroplex
- Metrovynil
- Metzger Therapie
- Mexican Summer
- Miasmah
- Microcosm Music
- Micron Audio
- Midira
- Mig
- Milan
- Milestone
- Mille Plateaux
- Millions Of Moments
- Millions Of Moments Uk
- Mindbender
- Mindset
- Minimal Wave
- Miras
- Mirau
- Misitunes
- Miss You
- Missile
- Missing Link
- Missing Vinyl
- Mississippi
- Mistressings
- Mistry
- Mixmode
- Mmc
- Mo Wax
- Mochilla
- Modal Analysis
- Modern Love
- Modern Obscure
- Modern Obscure Music
- Modern Silence
- Modern Urban Jazz
- Modular
- Modulations
- Mojuba
- Mole Embalming
- Mom + Pop
- Mondo Groove
- Monk
- Monkeytown
- Monnom Black
- Monochrom
- Monumentum
- Moozikeh Analog Room
- Morgan Blue Town
- Morphine
- Morr Music
- Mosaic
- Mosquito
- Motech
- Mother Tongue
- Motown
- Mottel Media #1
- Motto Distribution
- Movementt
- Moving Furniture
- Moving Furniture Records
- Moving Shadow
- Mps
- Mr Bongo
- Mr. Bongo
- Mr. Disc Organization
- Mule Electronics
- Mule Musiq
- Multimood
- Munster
- Murder One
- Murdercapital
- Muscut
- Muse
- Museum Ludwig
- Mushroom Hour Half Hour
- Music For Nations
- Music From Memory
- Music India
- Music Institute
- Music Man
- Music On Vinyl
- Music Takes Me Up
- Musica & Entretenimiento
- Musica Genera
- Musica Per Immagini
- Musica Y Entretenimiento S.A.
- Musicmine
- Musicmine/ Sublime Records
- Musique Pour La Danse
- Mutant
- Mute
- Mute Books
- MVD Audio
- Mvka
- N.L. Centrum
- Napalm
- Nashazphone
- Native
- Nature Sounds
- Nazlo
- Ndeya
- Ne'Astra Music Group
- Needle To The Groove
- Negative Days
- Neighboursoul Rhythms
- Nekropolis
- Neptune'S Child
- Nervous
- Nervous Horizon
- Network23
- Neuer Hersteller #19
- Neuer Hersteller #20
- Neurot
- New (14)
- New Dawn
- New Electronica
- New Era Productions
- New European
- New Red Archives
- New Rose
- New Wave
- New West
- New World
- Ng
- NG Records
- Ni Vu Ni Connu
- Nice Try
- Night Dreamer
- Night School
- Night Scool
- Night Slugs
- Night Time Stories
- Nilva
- Ninety-Two Happy Customers
- Ninja Tune
- Niteshade Inc
- No Hats No Hoods
- No Holiday
- No Label
- No Man's Land
- No New Style!!!
- No Salad
- No Symbols
- No U-Turn
- No-Fi
- Nobody'S Bizzness
- Noir Music
- Noise
- Noizetek
- Nomad
- Nommos
- Nonesuch
- North South
- Northern Electronics
- Not Not Fun
- Not On Label
- Not On Label (Sister Sledge)
- Not On Label (The Beatnuts)
- Not On Label (|M| Self-Released)
- Notaricon
- Noton
- Nous
- Nous Klaer Audio
- Nova Gain
- Novamute
- Now Again
- Now Is Not The Time
- Now-Again
- Nta
- Nts
- Nuclear Blast
- Nuclear Winter
- Numbers
- Numero Disco
- Numero Group
- Nunorthernsoul
- Nyege Nyege Tapes
- Object Music
- Object Music.
- Object Relations
- Ode
- Odion Livingstone
- Odysee
- Of Paradise
- Off Course
- Off Minor
- Oh, Sister Records
- Ohm Resistance
- Ohr
- Ohr Today
- Ohzone
- Oil Gang
- Okay Nature
- Olvido
- Omaggio
- Omni Recording Company
- On A Spaceship
- On High
- On The Prowl Party Breaks
- On U-Sound
- ON-U Sound
- Onderstrom
- One Camp
- One Eyed Jacks
- One Instrument
- One Little Independent
- One Little Independent Record
- One Little Indian
- One Point Life
- One Ten
- OOH-Sounds
- Opal
- Opal Tapes
- Open Editions
- Oplus Media
- Optic Nerve
- Optimo
- Optimo Music
- Oráculo
- Organik
- Original Recordings Group
- Oro Negro
- Ortloff
- Osàre! Editions
- Osiris
- Osiris Music UK
- Other People
- Otherly Love
- Our Swimmer
- Out To Lunch
- Outlaw
- Outpost
- Outta Sight
- Overdrive
- Ozit
- Ozz
- P&P
- P&P Records
- P-Vine
- Pacfic City Sound Visions
- Pacific City Discs
- Paisley Park
- Palace
- Pale Fire
- palgrave
- Palilalia
- Palto Flats
- Pampa
- Pan European
- Pandora
- Panegyric
- Pansurlo Panseri
- Panzerkreuz
- Paper
- Papercup
- Paradise Of Bachelors
- Paradoxx
- Parallax
- Paranoid London
- Paris Djs
- Parlophone
- Parlortone
- Partisan
- Party
- Pathé
- Pathosworks
- Patient
- Patrick Frey
- Patterns of Perception
- Pay Jay Productions
- Payday
- PC Press
- Peacefrog
- Peaceville
- peach discs
- Pecan Crazy
- Pelagic
- Peng Sound
- Penrose
- Penultimate Press
- People
- Peoples Potential Ulimited
- Peoples Potential Unlimited
- Perfect Toy
- Periodica
- Perlon
- Permanent Draft
- Permis De Construire
- Perpetual Novice
- Persistence Of Sound
- Personal Best
- Perspective SDS
- Pets
- Petty Bourgeois Broadcasts
- Phaidon
- Phantom Island
- Pharaway Sounds
- Philips
- Philly Jazz
- Philophon
- Phoenix
- Phoenix (Red River Exports)
- Phonogram
- Phonogramme
- Phosphonic
- Pi Gao Movement
- Pias
- Pictures Music
- Pierrette Schlettwein
- PiL Official
- Pilz
- Pingipung
- Pink Flag
- Pink Floyd Records
- Pinkman
- Piry Reis / We Release
- Plain
- Planam
- Planet
- Planet 303
- Planet E
- Planet Euphorique
- Planet Mu
- Planet Records Classics
- Plant Life
- Plastic Head
- Plastic Head Limited
- Plastoquinone
- Plattfon
- Plattfon Records
- Plattform 23
- Play It Again Sam
- Play Loud!
- Playground
- Plombage
- Plurex
- Plus 8
- Pmr
- Pneu
- Pnn
- Pockets Linted Entertainment
- Police In Helicopter
- Poly Kicks
- Polydor
- Pompadour
- Pond Life Party
- Pool
- Porridge Bullet
- Port-O-Jam
- Portraits GRM
- Posh Isolation
- Potomak
- powerHouse
- Praxis
- Pre-Cert Home Entertainment
- Pre-Echo
- Preference
- Prefermusic
- Premier Sang
- Prescription
- Pressure Makes Diamonds
- Prestige
- Priapismus
- Primary Information
- Princess P
- Principe
- Prins Thomas Musikk
- Private Asshole
- Product Kinematograph
- Produkt Korps
- Profan
- Profound Lore
- Prohibito
- Project Mooncircle
- Proper Records
- Prophecy Productions
- Prophet
- Prosthetic
- Präsens Editionen
- Psyché Tropes
- Psychic Hotline
- Psychic Readings
- Public Guilt
- Public Possession
- Punch Drunk
- Pure
- Purple Pyramid Records
- Pushing Red
- Pussy Muncher
- Puu
- Quality Music
- Question
- Quiet
- R & S
- R & S Records
- R&S
- R'Coup'D
- R.I.O.
- Raadi Kohila
- Rabid
- Rachot
- Radar
- Radical Documents
- Radicalis
- Radio Martiko
- Rag & Bone
- Rajaton
- Ralph
- Ramp
- Random Trio Productions
- Raster
- Rat Life
- Rather
- Raven
- Raw Basics
- Raw Culture
- Raw Edge
- Raw Soul
- Rawax
- Rawkus
- RCA Red Seal
- Re Search / Monochrom
- Re-Ken
- Re-load
- RE/Search
- Re:Discovery
- Re:St
- Reach Another System
- Readers Digest
- Real Gone
- Real Gone Music
- Rebellion
- Rec Rec Music
- Recital
- Recital Seventeen
- Recloose Organisation
- Record Collection
- Record Culture Magazine
- Record Kicks
- Record Makers
- RecRec Music
- Recycling
- Red Brick Chapel
- Red Laser
- Red Music
- Red Music Records
- Red Rhino
- Regrooved
- Reiffer
- Reinforced
- Rekem Records
- Relapse
- Relativity
- Relaxin
- Remote Area
- Renaissance
- Renée [Debut Single]
- Repeater
- Repertoire
- Reprise
- Reptile Musik Works
- Republic
- ReR Megacorp.
- Reseau Alternatif
- Revelation
- Revenant
- Revolve:R
- Rhino
- Rhymesayers
- Rhymesayers Entertainment
- Rhythm Without Reason
- Riddle
- RidingEasy
- Rift
- Riot Season
- Ripatti
- Rise Above
- Rising High
- Roadrunner
- Roadrunner Records
- Robot Records
- Roc-A-Fella Records
- Rocafort
- Rock Action
- Rock Radicals
- Rockstar Games
- Rolling Heads
- Rolling Stones Records
- Room 40
- Room40
- Roots
- Roots Vibration
- Rostrum
- Roswell
- Rotorelief
- Rotpunktverlag
- Rotterdam Electronix
- Rotters Golf Club
- Rough Trade
- Rounder
- Roundtable
- Rrc Music Co
- RTV Ljubljana
- Ruffnation Entertainment
- Rune Grammofon
- Running Back
- Running Back Double Copy
- Rupture London
- Ruptured
- Rush Hour
- Rush Hour Rss
- Rusic
- Rustblade
- Rwina
- S.C.O.P.A.
- S3
- Saavy Contemporary
- Sachsentrance
- Sacred Bones
- Sacred Hood
- Sacred Realism
- Sacred Rhythm
- Sacred Rhythm Music & Cosmic Arts
- Saddle Creek
- Safe Trip
- Sagittarian Music
- Sahel Sounds
- Saigon Super Sound
- Saigon Supersound
- Sais
- Samp
- Samurai Music
- Sanctuary
- Sargent House
- Scheidegger & Spiess
- Schema
- Schmorgasbord
- School
- Schrödinger's Box
- Schrödingers Box
- Science
- Scissor And Threat
- Screwloose
- Scrub A Dub
- Scruffy Hoodlum
- SD Records
- Sdban
- Season Of Mist
- Second Sleep
- Secondhand
- Secret
- Secret De La Musique
- Secretly Canadian
- Sector 7 Sounds
- Seeker Music
- Selektion
- Self Immolation
- Self Released
- Selfreleased
- Selva Discos
- Serie Des Nouveautes
- Setanta
- Shadow
- Shadow World Archive
- Shaker Plexx
- Shalimar
- Shall Not Fade
- Shall Thing Until My Land Is Free
- Shamoni Musik
- Shandar
- Shapes Of Rhythm
- Sharp Flat
- Shelter
- Shelter Press
- Shhoamkee
- Shhpuma
- Shih Shih Wu Ai
- Shimmy Disc
- Shimmy Disc Europe
- Shipwrec X Foul-Up
- Shitkatapult
- Shock
- Shoot
- Shout
- Shukai
- Sige
- Sign Bit Zero
- Signature
- Silke Maurer
- Siluh
- Silver Age
- Sin City
- Sinderlyn
- Sire
- Sirena
- Sixteentimes Music
- Skin and Speech
- Skrat
- Sky
- Skye
- Skywalking
- Slash
- Sleeping Bag
- Slimvolume
- Slip
- Slumberland
- smallforms
- Smalltown Supersound
- Smilin' Ears
- Smithsonian Folkways
- Snap Crackle & Pop
- Sneaker Social Club
- So Recordings
- Soave
- Soda Gong
- Sodom Sound
- Sofa
- Sofrito
- Software
- Software Music
- Soings
- Soiree International
- Some Fine Legacy
- Someothaship
- Song Cycle
- Sonic Belligeranza
- Sonic Blew
- Sonic Groove
- Sonic Groove Experiments
- Sonic Pieces
- Sonor Music Editions
- Sonorama
- Sonoris
- Sony
- Sophisticado
- Souffle Continu
- Soul Bank Music
- Soul Brother
- Soul Jazz
- Soul Sheriff
- Soul7
- Soulseller
- Sound Concept
- Sound Metaphors
- Sound Metaphors 23
- Sound Of Sinners
- Sound Of Speed
- Sound Of Vast
- Sound Signature
- Sound Way
- Soundstream
- Soundway
- Soundway Records
- Source
- South Of North
- Southern Lord
- Souvenirs From Imaginary Cities
- Sozialistischer Plattenbau
- Spa Green
- Space Age
- Space Age Recordings
- Space Grapes
- Spacebomb
- Spatial
- Spazio Disponibile
- Speakers Corner
- Spector Books
- Spectral Sound
- Spectrum Spools
- Spezialmaterial
- Spinefarm
- Spinning Top
- Spittle
- Spoon
- Spoon Records
- Sport
- Squama
- Srrschl
- Staatsakt
- Stag-O-Lee
- Stamy
- Static Age
- Statik
- Staubgold
- Stax
- Step Ball Chain
- Steppas
- Sterile
- Sternberg Press
- Stiff
- Stockholm
- Stones Throw
- Strange Attractor
- Strangelove Music
- Stranger Than Paradise
- Strap Originals
- Strata-East
- Streamline
- Street Sounds
- Strictly Underground
- stroom
- Strut
- Stud!o K7
- Students Of Decay
- Studio Barnhus
- Studio Mule
- Studiomaster
- Stunt Baby
- Stutter & Twitch
- Suara
- Sub Pop
- Sub Rosa
- Sub Soldiers
- Sub/Version
- Subject Detroit
- Subject To Restrictions
- Subject To Restrictions Discs
- Sublime Frequencies
- Subliminal Sounds
- Sublunar
- Subterranean
- Subtext
- Subup
- Subvert
- Subway
- Sugar Candy Mountain
- Suicide Squeeze
- Sullen Tone
- Sundazed
- Sundazed Music
- Sunhair Music
- Suoni Incisi
- Super Special Corp.
- Superbang
- Superior Viaduct
- Superjock
- Supreme Chaos
- Surface
- Survival
- Sushitech
- Sussex
- Svart
- Svek
- Swamp 81
- Swamp81
- Swan Song
- Sweatbox
- Sweet N Tasty
- Swim
- Swinging
- Swisspunk
- Switchstance
- Syff
- Synewave
- System Music
- System Revival Recordings
- Sähkö
- Taiga
- Talkin' Loud
- Tamla Motown
- Tangatunes
- Tapete
- Tapete Records
- Tapioca
- Tausend Augen
- Taxi Gauche Records
- Tayone Music
- Te
- Technasia
- Technicolour
- Tectonic
- Teenage Menopause
- Teerpappe
- Telephone Explosion
- Tempa
- Temple
- Tempo
- Tempo Dischi
- Temporal Drift
- Temporary Residence
- Terrornoize Industry
- Tesco Org.
- Test Pressing
- Text
- Thank You
- That's Why
- The Artless Cuckoo
- The Beak Doctor
- The Bunker New York
- The Dawn
- The Daydream Library Series
- The Death Of Rave
- The Freeminded
- The Helen Scarsdale Agency
- The Henning Christiansen Archive
- The Isaacs Gallery
- The Outer Edge
- The state51 Conspiracy
- The Thing
- The Trilogy Tapes
- The Trust
- The Vinyl Factory
- Theater am Turm Edition
- thecrates
- Think Progressive
- Third Ear
- Third Man
- Third Mind
- Thirteen
- Three Four
- Three:Four
- Thrill Jockey
- Tidal Waves Music
- Tidalwave
- Tiger Bay
- Time Capsule
- Time Is Now
- Time-Release
- Timedance
- Timmion
- Timmion Records
- Tiny Ghost
- Tiny Global Productions
- Tiraquon
- To Much Fun
- Tobby Landei
- Tochnit Aleph
- Tom Produkt
- Tommy Boy
- Tonzonen
- Too Pure
- Toolbox
- Top Dawg Entertainment
- topo2
- Total Black
- Total Silence
- Total Union
- Touch
- Touch & Go
- Touch And Go
- Touch Sensitive
- Tough Love
- Tourette
- Toy Tonics
- Trad Vibe
- Tramp
- Trance Syndicate
- Transcript
- Transformer
- Transgressive
- Transition Labings
- Transmigration
- Transmission
- Transversales Disques
- Travel By Goods
- Traversable Wormhole
- Tresor
- Tri Angle
- Trikont
- Trio
- Trost
- Trouble In Mind
- Trule
- Trunk
- Truth & Soul
- Turnstile
- Two Gentlemen
- Type
- Tzadik
- Ubiquitous
- Ubiquity
- Uhlklang
- UK Records
- Ultimate
- Ultra Eczema
- Umc
- Un Je-ne-sais-quoi
- Un Rêve Nu
- Uncanny Valley
- Under The Sun
- Underground Liberation
- Underground Quality
- Underground Resistance
- Unidisc
- Unirhythm
- United Artists
- United Dairies
- Universal
- Unknowm Movements
- Unknown To The Unknown
- Unmade
- Unrock
- Unseen Worlds
- Unsound
- Unsounds
- UntilMyHeartStops
- Up Music
- Uprise Audio
- Upset! The Rhythm
- Upstairs Asylum
- Urashima
- Urban
- Urgence Disc
- Urushima
- Utech
- UVB-76 Music
- V.I.S.A.
- V2
- Vaagner
- Vagabond Productions
- Valentim De Carvalho
- Valley Of Search
- Valve
- Vampi Soul
- Vampisoul
- Van Dieren Editeur
- Vandalizm
- Vanguard
- Vase
- Veil
- Velocity Press
- Venice
- Ventil
- Ventil Verlag
- Venture
- Venus
- Verlag Einraumhaus / Efa
- Versatile
- Version
- Vertigo
- Verve
- Veto
- Veyl
- Vhf
- Vibrant Music
- Victoriaville
- Vinayaka
- Vindig
- Vinilissimo
- Vintage Pleasure Botique
- Vintage Pleasure Boutique
- Vintage Vibes / Ma Dukes Official
- Vinyl Exotica
- Vinyl Fanatiks
- Vinyl Lovers
- Vinyl Me, Please
- Vinyl On Demand
- Vinylisssimo
- Virgin
- Vivod
- Vlek
- Voam
- Von Archives
- Voodoo Rhythm
- Vp
- VP Records
- VP231
- W.E.R.F.
- Wackies
- Wagram
- Wah Wah
- WAH WAH 45's
- Wah Wah Records
- Wah Wah Wino
- Wake Up!
- Wall Of Sound
- Walt Disney
- wandering
- Warlock
- Warm Winters
- Warme Deken
- Warner
- Warner Bros
- Warner Bros.
- Warp
- Water Wing
- Wave Music
- Wavy Gang / Empire
- Wax Facts Press
- We & Co
- We Jazz
- We Love You
- We Play House
- We Release Jazz
- We Release Whatever The Fuck We Want
- We Release Whatever The Fuck We Want Records
- We Want Sounds
- WEA Records
- Wedge
- Week-End
- Weird
- Weird World
- Weissbooks
- Well Rounded
- Well Rounded Individuals
- Weltrekords
- Weme
- WéMè
- Wergo
- Werkdiscs
- West Mineral Ltd.
- Western Lore
- Western Vinyl
- Wewantsounds
- WeZienWel
- Wharf Cat
- What Reality?
- What's So Funny About
- Where To Now
- Where To Now?
- Whities
- Who Can You Trust?
- WhoDemSound
- Whynot
- Wick
- Wide Ear
- Widowspeak Productions
- Wild Oats
- Winged Sun
- Winterschatten
- Winthorpe Electronics
- Wire-Sound
- Wisdom Teeth
- Wizewound
- Wolke
- Wonder Palace
- Works The Long Nights
- Workshop
- World Building
- World Circuit
- World Of Echo
- World Pacific Jazz
- Wormhole
- Wrong Era
- Wu-Tang
- WV Sorcerer
- Xistence
- XJazz!
- Xl
- XL Recordings
- Xlings
- XO
- Y
- Überschall
- Year0001
- Ygrok
- Young
- Young Art
- Young God
- Young Turks
- Youth
- Yuku
- Yumé
- Zam Zam
- Zamzam
- Zappa
- Zauberhaus
- Zehra
- Zenit
- Zest 4 Life
- Zhark
- Zick Zack
- Zickzack
- Zoar
- Zweikommasieben
- Zyx