D=D - Don Brown & Dan Reynolds

Label: Sacred Realism

Cat No: sr008


Genre: BOOKS

Artikelnummer: 130620

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Presented by Sacred Realism Press, D=D is the culmination of 15 years of work and the latest and most ambitious installment of Bryan Eubanks and Joe Foster's Don (now Dan) Brown and Dan Reynolds' project. The book itself contains 391 pages of letters, notes, aphorisms, scores, images, and commentary from Brown and Reynolds, with contributions from related figures including Jenny Haniver, Tim Bradley, and of course Gwendolyn Lovequist and Jack Lunetti, offering furtive glimpses into the thoughts, work, and lives of these still under-recognized figures of contemporary American music. While it might be tempting to see D=D as epistolary speculative biography it also may call to mind the heteronyms of writers like Fernando Pessoa and especially Antoine Volodine. But make no mistake--D does equal D and everything is as it seems.

The accompanying audio CD compiles Eubanks and Foster's interpretations of Brown and Reynolds' Holy and Old musics, respectively, bookended by two cassette recordings from the composers themselves, which should be of special appeal to listeners with an interest in never before exposed corners of American West Coast musical experimentation and iconoclasm.

mixed by Joe Foster & Bryan Eubanks, Berlin 2018
mastered by Dick Stormm, the Bronx 2019
10 tracks, total running time: 52:28
391 page hard cover book with glass mastered CD, edition of 500

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