"Vincent Koreman a.k.a. Drvg Cvltvre has been cultivating its perfect mix of Techno, Electro and Acid for a few decades, varying speed as his gusto, without removing an iota of intensity or darkness. His high volume of work means that he publishes almost everything through his New York Haunted label, but his productions have also shone on renowned labels such as Pinkman, Viewlexx, Shipwrec, Permanent Vacation or OMNIDISC. In this new release through NNY Records, he again stands out from the rest of the producers thanks to four great tracks that move between slow, dense and epic Techno with acid touches and hazy environments (A Lion Sinester, Dead And Gone); the dirtiest and leatheriest Electro (Serbian Ballerinas) and the most abrasive and serious Acid you can find on the dance floor (You Smell Like Cheetos And Sadness)."