"FREQ Records is the record label accompanying the manga ""FREQ"" created by Nicola Kazimir illustrated by goodnewsforbadguys and written by the legendary Dai Sato who has written scripts for Ergo Proxy Eureka Seven Cowboy Bebop Samurai Champloo among many others. The setting of Freq's lore unfolds in a futuristic realm where the influence of sound frequencies governs all aspects of life. In this world everything from traffic and AR visuals to electricity warfare and of course music is orchestrated through the manipulation and extraction of sound frequencies. The narrative unfolds within the sprawling expanse of Rephlex a vast city featuring diverse districts factions and social classes. FREQ001 called Super FREQ is composed by none other than Machine Girl known for their breakcore-inspired sonic adventures and highly energetic live shows. For this EP we might get a compositional glimpse of how Machine Girl will sound in the future."