"Martin Rev is known as the music-writer half of the legendary NYC duo Suicide, who pioneered a revolution in electronic sound in the late 1970s. Suicide's rough hypnotic and minimalist sound paved the way for most of the electronic bands of the 1980s and set the base for the following emergence of techno/electronica. In his solo career, Martin Rev has released three albums so far, his last in 1997. As a solo artist Rev, who was originally a free jazz keyboard player, has a more melodic sound than Suicide. Strangeworld is a collection of his new songs from the past few years, all of them previously unreleased. All the production, instruments, and vocals are done by Rev himself. The bare sounds of synths and electronics, his delicate voice and manner of singing, makes Strangeworld a very honest and intimate album. One cannot avoid the impression that Martin Rev has seen life from enough different sides to know what he's singing about."