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The Plattfon Record Store aims to be a shop that carries music and other kinds of media, which fall outside of the mainstream. The store is located at Feldbergstrasse 48 in Basel, Switzerland. So far we’ve been stocking mainly music within the different styles of electronica music, stretching anywhere from D’n'B and Dubsptep to breakcore and minimal, avantgarde, ambient or industrial noise. But you can also find a good selection of hip hop, techno/elektro, drum 'n' bass, clicks & cuts, post-rock, garage punk, punk rock, hardcore, black music, Jazz sing- and songwriters, “krautrock”, psychedelic, or any other alternative/indie style. We also stock second hand records in various different styles. In addition to vinyl and CDs, we also offer a selection of comics, films, posters, music magazines and fanzines, as well as books on issues such as Situationism, Marxism, Anarchy, Anti-fascism and more. We share the space togheter with Stampa, they are doing a selection with dvds and books about music and youth culture, streetart and much more. Stop by and say hello, we’ll be glad to see you.